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小学六年级英语作文范文-Happy day

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-06-17 18:07:08

英语作为一门学科,虽然没有语文数学那样重要,但是也是我们必须掌握的,学好英语,对我们以后的生活也会有所帮助,今天,我们学大的优秀的英语教师将会分享小学六年级英语作文范文-Happy day帮助大家学习英语,希望老师的指导能够帮助到大家!

The happiest day iam ten years old today , i'm very happy today .but it is not the reason indeed .

When i went to school this morning , i helped a old woman passing road . and then , when i got to class , my teacher told me , i got an " A" at the test yesterday .

oh , my god , how happy i am.

Today is the happiest day in all my life ,and i coundn't help speaking out to all of you .

这篇小学六年级英语作文范文-Happy day大家已经学习过了,相信你们都有了很大的认识和了解,那么就好好的学习吧,相信只要大家努力,就一定会取得好的成绩!

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